It's been a while since I've been working on 3 projects simultaneously and frankly I just love it. The idea of deadlines being beaten, and things working, features added and people happy just make it such a worthwhile experience. Although it's quite taxing, I've found solace in Ronaldo, Beckham, Zidane, Roberto Carlos, Figo, Casillas, and the rest of Real Madrid.
I haven't been a big fan of football, but I've been watching my share of football since we've gotten cable (AT LAST) in Calauan. Staying up in the wee hours of the morning up coding in C++, Java, and PHP (in 3 separate projects almost multitaskingly (CRAZY)) makes me so much more productive -- unless you consider that I sleep at 4 and wake up around 11 am. The excitement of watching an attempt by any football player on TV while debugging code with elusive bugs makes it so worthwhile. Then when you squash the bug, you just feel so much like a person scoring a goal against Real Madrid. Or Mancheste